Guillotine Window

What is a Guillotine window?

Before answering the question of what a guillotine window is, let’s think on the question of what a “window” is first. Despite the question’s basic nature, it is important to highlight that a window can and should mean more than a rotating wing of glass and it can serve up to a higher standard for any opening on any facade. A window is defined as an opening in the wall. Yes, it lets the light in, and it lets people see outside and provide ventilation.

On the other hand, in culinary, some ingredients come together to make some food. But is it tasty? That’s the question! Guillotine window introduces the vertical action to a typical window frame which is the star ingredient for this recipe. This makes the design very tasty, and both the architects, home and business owners love it! Although the word guillotine was derived from the French physician Joseph Guillotin who invented the machine with the same name in 1789; architecture borrowed it and altered its meaning turning it into a widely used term for fenestration.

The phrase went through this evolution due to the analogy of vertical movement that both the 18th century machine and the modern-day window has in common. This is why the vertically retractable window systems are also called guillotine windows today. The question of what guillotine windows are can also be answered with Libart’s PanoraView window systems. Libart produces the brand Panora for high technology, durable and chic guillotine window, and door systems. The Panora products offer original architectural solutions for facade openings that generates great deal of demands in the market due to its groundbreaking design.

How does a Guillotine window work?

A guillotine window’s main principle of function is the vertical movement. Rather than the ordinary sliding aluminum window systems or the front-opening sash windows, the frames move up and down. This type of configuration minimizes the space required for the action as each glazing stack together at the top or the bottom and make clear room for the circulation paths around the opening.

A guillotine window’s configuration can be altered with the number of panels that move vertically. It can be a two-panel system where the one at the bottom remains fixed and the one on the top moves on a vertical axis, or it can be 3 or 4 panels in total, where more than one panel acts on the vertical direction. Libart’s motto “motion in architecture” derives from this motorized and hi-tech movement of the architectural elements.

The Panora by Libart systems can be manufactured to suitably installed in lengths up to 6 meters which basically means a whole partition element can be removed in a matter of seconds. One other benefit of guillotine window system is, as it moves downwards the product fully opens in favor of the maximum view, free of frames. Despite what the curtain wall systems provide with their mullions always staying in the sight, guillotine window systems can provide up to 50%, 66% or even 75% net opening.

Why use a Guillotine window?

Many commercial spaces can utilize the benefits of guillotine window systems. But it can be assured that also for the residential spaces the guillotine window systems can turn a fixed and rigid space into a versatile room. When the vertically retractable window system is closed, the room is an indoor space and when it is opened it eliminates the border between indoor and outdoor and emerges the perception of a balcony or a terrace. Porches, gardens, outdoor patios, and even rooms that are not on the entry level will work much better with this kind of window system.

Just like a chameleon the space gains the ability to form itself according to climatic conditions and/or the need of the users from it. The possibility of having strong control over climate obstructions makes the system an ever-preferable investment for businesses. Especially the business owners in the field of food and dining love the guillotine window action as it helps them provide cozy and comfortable spaces for their customers.

When it comes to leisure, customers always seek for comfort. The success of the food served is maybe one element for a business’ capacity to develop customer loyalty, however the other one surely is the atmosphere. A typical restaurant owner surely wants to curate as many tables and seats as they can while not piling the people in a manner that is too tight or overwhelming.

Therefore, each and every square meter is worth saving when planning the seats. The doors, passage areas, windows typically require at least one meter of space on both sides as the opening and closing action would require that distance meanwhile causing to lose very precious space in the venue. The guillotine window system does not require that space, which is in fact in favor of the business owner as the extra seating areas also mean a great way to achieve the return of investment for those guillotine windows installed.

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