Panorama Engineering

What is Panorama Engineering?

Panorama engineering is the multi-layered engineering process behind all the panorama fenestration systems. Panorama type windows and doors require deep and efficient research and development studies. These systems are capable of covering large openings at once. Generally, they have more weight than a standard sash window which means the static calculations acquire more importance in terms of safety of the end-user and general security. Panorama engineering also includes technical calculations regarding insulation values and climate control options. Another aspect panorama engineering focuses on is the functionality. Just the ability of covering large openings would not suffice in today’s competitive market and complex architectural requirements. Therefore, panorama engineering works on making these Panora systems more functional and pleasing.

Who works in the field of Panorama Engineering and where are the studies conducted?

Panorama engineering is not really a specific work of field yet. It is rather a niche department within panorama system manufacturer companies. For instance, Libart is one of the biggest and most famous panorama type window and door manufacturers. Among Libart products there are the Panora Retractable Window and Door systems which are panorama type fenestrations. Libart produces two main systems under the brand Panora. Retractable Window systems and retractable door systems. Panora products can be manufactured with two panels, three panels or four panels according to size of the opening. These systems are pioneering in the industry due to motion it brought. The panels can retract vertically towards top of the opening or to the bottom. All these modifications and improvements applied on the classic panorama windows are achieved thanks to panorama engineering behind it.

There are civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electric and electronic engineers, architects, designers, material experts working on finding the best possible panorama solution for projects. They work on glass types, aluminum joints and sealants, the motor operating the whole system, installation techniques, appearance, and function.

The science behind panorama type windows and doors are conducted within these manufacturing companies research and development departments as improving something for a better performance requires experts and technology.

How is the Panorama Engineering evolving?

The technical team working in the field of panorama engineering studies the material, collects data and conducts experiments before setting the light green for a products launch. The team up front in sales and customer relations collect feedback from the customers, from the installation teams, from architects using the product in their projects and report these to research and development division. This is mainly how the panorama engineering evolves through time. Libart’s decades of experience is gained in this manner with the motto of “motion in architecture” the architectural systems configurations are also always in motion, becoming better, stronger, and technological. Panora systems are strongly tied to a great amount of work behind it, therefore it is so much more than just a combination of aluminum and glass.

Panorama engineering means more natural light, more efficient climate control, more efficient architectural circulation within buildings, more beautiful physical appearance, and more stable and intact operational system.

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