Retractable Window Wall

What is a retractable window wall?

Emerging design movements are good at experimenting with borders and rules of traditional functionality. Different materials and techniques are implemented more and more into design and industry each day. New approaches, new terminology and unlimited variations of items are produced with the purpose of creating something innovative. Coffee grains now can be used as a construction material, or a house can be built by using recycled materials. The examples can be multiplied. Similarly, the traditional differentiation between a wall and a window can also be questioned.

Rather than building a regular wall and putting an opening in it in order to provide natural light and ventilation or dividing a room with a plaster board or masonry technique new fenestration systems are becoming more preferable. Modern and more evolved design approaches are good at combining things to create multi-function and efficient things. Such as Panora’s retractable window systems. These systems are walls that are also windows. That’s why they can also be called as retractable window walls. Imagine a whole wall can be retracted melting the border between a living room and a garden or between two separate rooms.

A retractable window wall is the system where a quite large opening can be enclosed or opened using a simple retraction operation.

Why retractable window walls are more efficient and why should I choose to use it in my spaces?

Modern design principles are all about efficiency, sustainability, and flexibility. While we can also see fast consuming habits and disposable or single use item abundance today, consumers and designers are becoming more aware of the importance of well-functioning and durable products especially in architecture and construction sectors. The versatility of a space is directly linked to possible alteration costs and the overall usage performance of it.

A business trying to implement a remodeling to its interior each time a new necessity emerges would not manage to stay in business for long. Constructions are not easy in terms of calendar and budget. The one time the effort is made should do the trick for more profit. This is one of the reasons to choose retractable window walls. The easily installed retractable window walls are cost efficient and will become the wow-effect your business has been seeking for.

Another important feature of retractable window walls is its multi-functionality. The wall is a window at the same time and when opened it is also a balustrade. Panora’s retractable window system is a good example for such multi-functioning. One of the finest features of Vertical Retractable Window’s is its capability to turn into a balustrade. Vertical retraction enables the glazing to pile into a modern balustrade structure. The aluminum profiles and the glazing meet at the bottom of the façade opening and the obstacles within the view range become completely removed. Thanks to its wide opening span capacity, the system can enclose a width of 6meters in one time.

Libart is an industry pioneer when it comes to motion in architecture which includes the retractability. Retractable architectural systems are developed within the good hands of capable architects, designers, and engineers in decades of R&D and improvements.

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