

Monthly Archives: Kasım 2021

Moving Architecture

Brief History of Static and Kinetic Architecture? How architecture started moving? In 1854, the fastest train could reach 65 km/h speed at most. Today, in 21st century, the fastest train can reach speeds of 600 km/h (approximately 375 miles per hour). Yes, the humankind walks at the same pace...

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Vertical Pivot Window

A vertical pivot window is a type of window where the opening framework of the window is not hinged on the sideline, but the action is designed differently. In pivot windows the hinge is mounted somewhere midline on the horizontal frame or the vertical frame varying according to pivot...

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Vertical Partitions

Vertical Partitions are used in architecture to create well-defined spaces in any given venue. Vertical partitions work with the same principle as vertical dividers. The main purpose is to divide a space into two or more smaller spaces in these applications. However, the word partition has a more technical...

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